A heat map and a new styling for indoor=
- François
For those who are not familiar with indoor=, I recommend consulting the introductory post. In short, it’s a map that displays the interior spaces of OpenStreetmap with a level selector.
A new version is available with improvements such as the heat map and a new styling.
Heat map
To rapidly visualize locations that are indoor mapped, indoor= can now display a low zoom heat map.

It will therefore be much easier to locate indoor mapped locations. Here are a few places that I discovered:
This work was carried out by Adrien Pavie.
New styling
In order to clearly distinguish the different interior spaces, the styling has been largely revised.
Rooms with interest points are in blue
The other rooms are in yellow
Traffic areas are in white
A specific icon set to make the click more explicit has been added
In addition to the indispensable vending machines for drinks and other delicacies, you will also be able to see the ping-pong and foosball tables.

This work was carried out by Jawg.
Other improvements
Multiple interest points have been added
The display of the interior doors has been corrected
Integrate indoor= in your map
Do you want to add interior spaces to your map? Use the mapbox-gl-indoorequal library and create your free API key on indoorequal.com.
If you are not using mapbox-gl, the schema has been updated so you can make your own integration: indoorequal.com/schema.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to this version.
To have a look at all of this, you can go on indoor=.
And to learn more about mapping indoor spaces, please visit the wiki page Simple Indoor Tagging.
Have a comment? Contact me by email.